Thursday, June 17, 2010

A right spanner in the works...

About 3:30pm this afternoon I am sitting round the table at Daisy's with her sweet face along with lovely Lezala's and bring bring my phone rings (not bring bring actually my ring tone is Ride A White Swan - T.Rex) and it goes something like this:

- Hello
- Hello. Is this Annie Law
- Yes it is.
- Hi Annie it's (i can't remember his name) from Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts
- Oh, hello?
- Well remember that you auditioned for the BA Hons in Acting and we had previously sent you a letter saying we were still considering your application but weren't confident to offer you a place as we still had a lot of candidates to see?
- Yes I remember...
- Well. We'd like to offer you a place. How does that sound?
- Wow. Right. Um. Well... I've actually already accepted a place at Liverpool John Moores for the Drama course...
- Oh right (laughs)
- But. um. wow. I don't really know what to say.
- Yes. Well it sounds like you might want to have a chance to think this over.
- Um. Yes please.....

I had completely and utterly decided on John Moores and was so happy with my choice la de daaa but here come LIPA offering me a bloody place now!
I should obviously take it but what the hell arrrggggggghhhh.

Great time to throw this mental desicion at me.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Glasto Fever

It seems to me that I am an imbalanced human being.
When I have an A Level exam which I am under-prepared for in less than a week... all I can think about and all that is occupying my thoughts above academic success is, of corse, Glastonbury.

"Annie our exam is in a week!"

So me, Daisy, Lindz, Stephen and Roobz leave the rock on Monday, approximately 2 hours after I have tsunami'd all my psychological knowledge onto an exam paper mounted on a small wooden desk. BRAIN FRIED.
Here's the ideal situation...
'WOOO Psychology is over, thus, all my exams are over and woo let's go to Glasto and have a sweet time with no worries wooo....'


Wednesday the 30th (2 days after our return from glastoland) we sit a SECOND psychology paper. die die die die die die die.

SO in conclusion, I have to cram in a whole years worth of work into my brain BEFORE monday because to be quite frankly frank, honest and truthful... it ain't like i'm gonna be revising psychological experimental methods instead of grooving up my life in Shangri La or something similar and amazing.

Today was successful however...

In my revision break which was a well deserved one today I decided to have a bath.
Maybe it's just the high daring delinquent that I am, but I had a super hot one.
So hot that I was close to tears when I dipped my leg in... but I braved it and it was worth it.
As a treat I went all out with the bath products... scrubs, posh shampoo's and conditioner (i never use conditioner) and it was like a gift from the heavens.
What can we draw from one of THE most pointless post's ever made on the internet?
Having a bath is a successful interlude from revision as it refreshed me and made me brainy again.

I'm going to watch videos of the Cribs and continue with my daily dose of GLASTOFEVER.
(last night i couldn't sleep for thinking of how amazing next weekend is going to be OH MY)


My new absolutely favourite word (courtesy of Robert Anderson) is.....


Find out what it means and use it all the time.... (nice boating shoes... a bit... ubiquitous...)

Ok Goodnight

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Good Evening.
It should be made a law that everyone has to have a chamomile tea before bed every evening.
It's so calming and just the perfect conclusion to the day... especially for me at the moment as I am such a busy bee... all that's missing is some wings and a strong desire to sit on flowers.

What a weekend.

I feel that working monday to friday puts a real strain on my plans for the weekend because by friday I either want to go mad and party lots or I just want to wilt onto my bed and sleep until I have to work again.
This weekend was not the latter....
Friday arrived and after work I received an invitation for some drinks at Abigails.
This, I attended along with Brontey and enjoyed one chilled Magners and some vodka to follow.
This is us...

Then off we scurried to the Live Lounge.
Live Lounge is a funny one because you can never predict which events are going to be popular.
This night was a 'Britpopolypse' night which was of a (you guessed it) brit pop theme.
I very much expected to bumble around drunkenly for most of the night then shoot off in a taxi home to a cuppa tea and a sweet sleep... but much to my surprise... the instant that Pirate Video Company struck the very first chord of their set I was so hooked.
Max, Nick, Piers and Adam: I can't believe i'd never seen you play before this seeing as there have been so many nights which I had planned to.
Such a good set was played and I seriously LOVED it.

Yesterday, in breif, was perfect...

- Delia Baker
- Dixon (my car)
- Plemont
- Diet Coke (no ice! Stupid cafe)
- Swimming costumes
- Pool
- Sauna
- Garden
- Tea
- Rollies
- Camenbert cheese
- The Cribs
- India Sutton
- Dicq Shack
- Sunshine
- High Tide
- Pad Thai
- Bottle of vino
- England Vs USA
- Beautiful balcony
- Tea
- Toblerone
- Notting Hill

Mix all ingredients in a sunny saturday until light and creamy then add in some many conversations.
Once all combined, heat with love until golden brown.
Leave to cool, serve and enjoy... thoroughly.
I love days like these... they have a perfect balance of sanity and beauty... that's the Libra in me coming out to play.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Why fear death?
Be scared of living.
Our hearts are small and ever thinning.

I find that 'alone time' is the most difficult thing to get right.
I've been a loner for a while now and I think I'm only just starting to be good at it.
There's a certain skill to handling yourself when you're alone... it's a completely different person to the one you are when in company.

From my long relationship which ended about a year ago now, I learned the importance of being alone. Spending time making sure you are rooted and knowing that you are appreciating the important things that wilt and die without nurture...

When you are always around others, they start to become as much a part of your thinking as your own consciousness is; I know I've found myself forgetting what I actually think about certain things sometimes.

I sound like a psychiatrist.

Anyway, today I went on a date with Jess to see Sex and the City 2 at the cinema (yes we went for a cocktail before... standard) and after the film I felt a little bit low.
The rain was pouring and it was so windy... normally the kind of weather that makes me want to only be in my bed in my Pj's away from the winter.
But as I was driving home listening to Laura Marling, I took a detour to Noirmont Point. I pulled up right at the edge of the cliff (dodgy yeah), turned Rambling Man up so loud and sat in the car and just looked.
When you are somewhere where if you get out the car you will most likely be blown off the island and drenched through your skin, you feel so small and insignificant.
I like that feeling of insignificance... like comparing an issue you may have with something so bold as nature.... is it still as big a problem as you thought/have created?

Although I wasn't really 'doing' anything in the alone time... my mind was settling itself. Not relying on itself to settle itself either... but just reacting to what is plainly and simply what it's taking in and using it for calm.